An Intellectual Rant About The State of Politics
TEDx Antigua
Kai's presentation, "Spiritual Change - The Journey to Rasta" will share with us, and the world, her personal and spiritual voyage. Kai Davis represented her country as a dancer at a number of festivals between 1990 and 2002.
Lia's speech addresses the impact of climate change, looks at ways in which local Antiguans have become climate innovators and discusses small but innovative ways in which we ourselves can also be climate innovators. Born to adventurers, Lia Nicholson's grandparents sailed the family to the twin island state of Antigua & Barbuda in the 1940s.
Gomes, a devout Christian, focuses on Breath, Mind, Spirit during his talk and how simple meditation and breathing techniques can improve health and return balance to life. Sifu Jurey Gomes is a recognised and decorated martial arts practitioner and founder of the Fist of Nothingness system of martial arts.
Marcella's speech will tackle the issues of displacement from her home country Dominica to her adopted home of Antigua. Follow her as she finds herself, her home and her place in this world. Marcella André-Georges is an entrepreneur and transformative leader.
Calypso Joe's talk, "Our Story in Song - Examining the social consciousness of calypso" will focus on the lingering impacts of slavery, colonialism and racism on society and will end with the positive charge of nation building. Joseph "Calypso Joe" Hunte started his musical career as a student in the Johnson's Point Primary School drama program.
I'm really proud of the work that went into producing all of this. TEDx Antigua showcased some of Antigua's Great Minds and allowed the world to see a snippet into our culture and what makes us, us. The Ted Talks all grouped under the tagline, "Fungee & Pepperpot a recipe for development and change" did just what it's organizers hoped it would, incite in the minds of others the need to reshape and rethink our perspective on how we should attain spiritual, economical, and regional development.
It's Quite Clear I'm a Feminist
“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” ― Gloria Steinem
It's quite clear that i'm a Feminist. I post about it often enough and debate on the radio long enough to be classified as one. However, i think that many people have misconceptions about what feminism actually is and who feminists really are. When people post on the Internet calling feminists crazy or unnecessary, i feel deeply hurt. I don't think that society truly realizes the importance of this empowering movement and how it's beneficial.
First off, being a feminist does not make you a man hater. This is just the same as saying that being white makes you racist or being Islamic makes you a terrorist. Generalizing a group based on the behaviour of a smaller set doesn't speak to the full picture. In every group there will be a radical few who take things out of proportion, but that should not define them. I identify myself as a feminist and i don't go around scorning men and nitpicking every thing that they do crying 'sexism'. That doesn't make anything better. Feminism is about seeking equality. It is about women having the ability to live as freely as men do without restriction and without scorn. Equality is the key word, and if you are seeking equality, you cannot promote hatred.
Secondly, feminist don't all look a certain way. When persons think of a feminist, their mind usually paints up a picture of a masculine woman who doesn't wear make-up and rants all the time. Quite frankly, if this was the face of feminism, it would not fully reflect the persons the movement represented. The housewife can be a feminist, the Muslim girl with a hi-jab can be a feminist, the Caribbean girl in her mass costume can be a feminist, the model on the runway can be a feminist, the video vixen can be a feminist, the sex-worker, the girl next door, even the boy around the corner. Weaved, Natural, Bare, or made-up... any man or woman can be a feminist. Not including these persons greatly limits what the movement stands for. Wearing make-up doesn't make you less of a supporter of equality than the next person... so why does this happen. EQUAL rights for women, that is what this movement is about, and all women from every spectrum should be able to identify with it.
Thirdly, feminism is not about female domination. Whoever told you that isn't a feminist. Female domination totally negates the purpose of the movement which is equality. It will not promote any positive change as it fosters injustice on the other end of the spectrum. The vox populi of many persons when they think of feminism is female dominance... this isn't the case. We're just looking for equal rights, opportunities, and representation. Female domination would not fix the problem... Feminism is about equality for both males and females, none with more socio-political and economic influence/dominance than the other. Both sexes being able to co-exists freely without friction, hate, and submission to the other.
Persons who state that feminism has not done any good need to re-evaluate everything. Women who aren't feminists should re-evaluate themselves. The fact that I can go to school and have the education to type this post is due to feminism. The fact that my friend can be a female-pastor is due to feminism. The fact that I can give my opinion without being killed is due to feminism. My ability to chose not to be married off at 14 is due to feminism. The fact that i have the ability to vote is due to feminism. The fact that i can work to provide for myself and have the money to buy my own make-up and not depend on a man is due to feminism. The fact that my brother thinks its okay to cry without feeling 'emasculated' is due to feminism. The fact that i can see both male and female nurses is due to feminism. So much progress has been brought about by this movement and it has the capacity to do so much more.
It's quite clear that i'm a feminist and if everyone was a feminist the world would be a slightly better place.