It’s really just a rant about how poorly we as Antiguans treat our environment and how our ‘progressive’ environmental policies really do the least to address the real issues impacting the environment in Antigua and Barbuda
Unpacking Black Excellence: Jemmar Samuels
Unpacking: Black Excellence is a conversation about the black experience and the struggles that exist in trying to attain excellence in a society which has systemic blockades to our progress. In line with International Women’s Day I am introducing the world to Jemmar Samuels a young black woman who is doing her best to do her best while highlighting issues being faced by black youth, specifically women. She’s a writer, facilitator and newly elected Black, Minority and Ethnic Students’ Officer at Brunel University London
Food For Thought: #MeToo
It has been sometime since I sat and a wrote a post that was not linked with a project. My Blog has been filled with conversations with creatives and experiences in Mas Bands and I have had little time to sit down and discuss the things going through my head. A Food for thought and a discussion with you my readers has been long overdue. This topic is controversial and my words may not sit well with some. However, I am not here to foster contention but dialogue. I too am confused due to my own personal reality by what I write. I have no answers just thoughts and I am just sharing it all with you.
“The quality of light by which we scrutinize our lives has direct bearing upon the product which we live, and upon the changes which we hope to bring about through those lives. It is within this light that we form those ideas by which we pursue our magic and make it realized” - Audre Lorde, Poetry Is Not a Luxury
The Black Creative: Ryan Taíno
In conversation with Ryan Taíno. A young, talented, focused, black creative who is introducing himself to the world. He is newly exploring what it is to be a Black creative and this is a look into his re-birth,process, and aims. This is what it is Being Creative While Black.
This is the second interview in this series. This is an exploration of the struggles of the Black Creative in a space where making a living from art is uncommon. This is a showcase of the creative talent that exists around us.
The Black Creative: Ishy Dee
In conversation with Ishy Dee. A young, talented, driven, black creative who is trying to make a living as a Musician in a space where people would much rather he'd be a doctor or an accountant. This is a look into his struggles, process, and growth. This is what it is Being Creative While Black.
This is the first interview in this series. This is an exploration of the struggles of the Black Creative in a space where making a living from art is uncommon. This is a showcase of the creative talent that exists around us.
Twenty Eighteen
This is a New Year and with it comes the opportunity to reshape, transform, and improve yourself. Newness often also brings with it a sense of clarity. I have dubbed 2018 the year of Doing Better, growing and improving. This welcoming of the new year is also a recognition of the fact that i am not at my best potential, my work is not the best reflection of me at present, I need to expand in ways I view my art and all in all how I can #DoBetter