I know i'm awfully behind here, but i've had good reason. I've had coursework to tidy up and an exam to study for and now i can finally share with you some snippets of things i do around london to take my mind off of books. So this is one of 3 blog posts about my out and about-ing in London.
On the last day of March, look at that MARCH, a group of friends and I decided that the afternoon was too perfect to waste indoors. So we sat down and made a plan, we were going to find somewhere nice and outdoorsy and make our way there. Lo and Behold, we decided to hop on the tube and make our way to glorious Hyde Park.
Inside a Piccadilly Line Train
Our Group of Six made our way to South Ealing train station and journeyed to Hyde Park Corner, our destination. With the sun beating down on our faces we knew that the gloomy winter days were a thing of the past and that with spring we could bet on summer being just around the corner.
After heading to McDonald's and pausing for a brief photo op outside of the train station, we made our way into the park to the massive lake to look at the swans. It was such an ideal sight seeing the many birds flocking around the people and even seeing the paddle boats on the lake and waving to the occupants.
It was really nice to be somewhere that wasn't the university campus or my flat. I got a good dose of fresh air which revitalized me and made me feel a lot better. Sometimes we get a bit too caught up with studying that we forget to take a breather to relax and maintain our connections with people outside the classroom and it was really nice to just enjoy the afternoon and not reference work.
I also took the opportunity of being in the park to force everyone to smile, look pretty, and have their photos taken by me. Why have friends if they won't let you take their photos correct? It was also really nice because they ended up returning the favor by taking really nice photos of me as well.
Liam and Jo
All in all it was a really good afternoon and I'm glad i left my room.