Summer From Where I Stood

Whenever I go someplace, I always take the time to get a picture of my unattractive feet (as my mom calls them). Something about the feeling of knowing that you once stood in a place and made a great memory is cool about the whole thing. So it kind of hit me to make a post about the cool places I've been this summer featuring the feet that took me there.


This summer, I spent quite a-lot of time at the beach, which sadly has taken a toll of the colour of my hair. But despite that, I love the seaweed between my toes, the sand on my skin and the salt in my eyes. The photo above of my very wrinkled toes shows just a few of my loves from a trip I took to Runaway Bay recently. The coral near that beach are lined with various textures of seaweed and sea life and being me, I had to get a snapshot of my feet and the wonders i saw beneath me.

The Photo above is a documentation of those little trips that I make around the rocks at Ffreyes Beach when I am at work. ( yes guys! I got the Cocobay Gig) My feet may be extremely dark (note the outline of my slippers) but I was truly happy here. The shiny thing in the water is my fishing pan, and tho I never actually caught any fish, the quiet reflectionI was able to experience in that secluded place was priceless.



Look Guys! It's a Giant Jelly Fish! Using my feet as a scale, you can realize just how big it was. It's kinds sad that he got stuck on the shore so far from home, But i took the photo anyway.

This shot was once again taken on Big Ffreyes Beach, which i frequent often now because work. I can always count on that beach to fling something interesting my way to make my camera-roll a little more interesting.










It's a foot pipe! One of the many fancy things I experienced during me week back and forth-ing between my home and the Barracuda Villa at Tamarind Hills which you can read more about here. I found it so cool that the beach shower had a lower one to wash off the sand on your feet. It's a genius idea and i think that every beach shower should have one because why the hell not!





A lot of my feet photos are taken at or near the beach. Why? because it's clear that i spent most of my summer enjoying the sea. Which means I had a pretty good summer. The cool thing about this photo is that I'm not standing. Which meant I'm relaxing on the sand enjoying the view of an amazing blue sky and even bluer horizon. 




I spent a considerable amount of time hiking this summer as well. I found the coolest things while on these treks into the distance. One thing I hope you take away from this post even though it wasn't one of much substance, was that you should take time to explore. Even though you have your 9-5, don't let that get in the way of you living and exploring and experiencing life.

This summer, I let my feet lead me to so many wonderful experiences which i will never forget. I've found so much and explored so wide this year, and I'm glad i got to take this photos so you could see my summer from where i stood. I hope that you too had a great summer, and even if you didn't, you still have many more days in the year to make up for it.


- Annetta